【“三提三争”外事在行动】致广大游客朋友的一封信A Letter to Tourists

发布日期:2023-04-30 10:31:51 浏览次数: 字体:[ ]



Dear tourists,

       Zibo barbecue has introduced this city to the whole world, inviting people to come and discover the beauty of this place! Here, you can visit Badaju Convenience Market, tour Haidai Pavilion, and gather at barbecue restaurants for a great time. This modern city with a profound history has become more and more dynamic and heartwarming.


       Trekking to Zibo for “a barbecue date” is like taking a bridge that connects us all and leads us to a heartwarming and unforgettable experience. Your sincere praise and attention conveys your trust and understanding toward the city. The crowd and popularity you have brought has aroused the city's sense of honor and solidarity. Your applauding and cheering for the city’s kind people, good products and concerted efforts are enabling more people to get to know the culture, history, honesty, integrity and the efforts of this city. We appreciate the deep friendship you have established with Zibo, the positive energy you have brought and your efforts to let more and more people know about our hometown.


        Zibo barbecue has gone viral. With this precious attention, we have spared no effort to serve all guests, but our service may not yet be able to fully satisfy everyone. Recently, issues such as increased passenger flow have caused some troubles and inconvenience. At present, nearly all the hotels in the central urban area during the May Day holiday are sold out, and the passenger flow has exceeded the city’s reception capacity. It is expected that some key road sections and internet-famous sites may experience problems such as traffic congestion, limited parking spaces, and long queues, which may inconvenience some of you. Travel is all about having a good experience, and it is recommended that you pay attention to relevant information and arrange staggered travel. Zibo is a heart-warming city with beautiful scenery and delicacies all year round. If you give us more time, we will serve you better so that you can have a more pleasant stay here!



        Zibo is the birthplace of Qi culture. Qi State was the most powerful member of the Five Hegemons in the Spring and Autumn period and the Seven Powers in the Warring States period. Zibo is the origin of stories such as the founding of Qi by Duke Jiang Taigong, the deep friendship between Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya, and Guan Zhong and Yan Ying assisting the court. Jixia Academy, the contending of a hundred schools of thought, was founded here. Masterpieces such as The Art of War by Sun Tzu, Important Arts for the People's Welfare, The Artificers' Record and Strange Tales from the Liaozhai Studio were born here. The Great Wall of Qi, historic sites of Qi, pits of martyrdom horses of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and the origin of football were kept here. Various local cultures about ceramics and colored glaze, the Yellow River, Liaozhai Studio and Wang Yuyang (a great historical and cultural figure) were developed here. Profound culture integrates history with modern life. Ceramics, colored glaze and the silk scarf are the most representative works of art in Zibo. Under the nourishment of Qi culture, the city is becoming an even more beautiful place. Here, different natural wonders come into sight: lofty Qi Mountain, Lu Mountain, Yuan Mountain and Tanxi Mountain are different in shapes; Mata Lake, Wenchang Lake, Wuyang Lake and Swan Lake extend as far as the eye can see; the fabulous Kaiyuan Cave, Qiaolingqian Cave and Yiyuan Cave stretch to the horizon. Boshan cuisine, Zhoucun crispy biscuits, Yiyuan apple, Gaoqing black cattle beef and crawfish are delectable. All the five districts and three counties of Zibo are endowed with scenery and delicacies, as well as barbecue featuring sizzling skewers. Zibo welcomes all friends to come and have a taste.

        美景美食不止淄博,好客山东应有尽有。山东是文化大省、旅游大省。这里可赏山水画卷,泰山雄伟磅礴,崂山神秘飘渺,尼山钟灵峻秀,梁山热血刚劲,红色沂蒙山情深意重;趵突泉腾空翻涌,微山湖烟波浩渺。这里可品齐鲁风情,大运河贯通南北,海岸线蜿蜒曲折,沿着黄河遇见海,在东营看蓝黄交汇,在青岛扬帆冲浪,在烟台、威海的海洋牧场尽情海钓。这里可读街巷烟火,在台儿庄古城、青州古城、东昌古城、魏氏庄园赏民风古韵,去济南老商埠、青岛广兴里、烟台朝阳街赶潮流时尚,在济南超然楼见证“燃灯”时刻,在泰安大宋不夜城流连烟花绚烂。这里可尝饕餮美食,孔府菜、济南菜、胶东菜精美考究。这里可打包必购好物,日照绿茶、胶东海参、菏泽鲁锦、德州扒鸡给人嗨购体验。欢迎您到处走一走、看一看,感受“好客山东 好品山东”的独特魅力。

        Zibo is not the only city that has scenery and delicacies in Shandong Province. Shandong province is rich in culture and tourism resource. In Shandong, you can enjoy picturesque natural scenery, visit towering Mount Tai, mysterious Lao Mountain, beautiful Ni Mountain, wonderful Liang Mountain, and magnificent Yimeng Mountain, and appreciate Baotu Spring and Weishan Lake. You can feel the fascination of Shandong. You can have a view of the Grand Canal connecting the north and south, and the winding coastline. You can see the Yellow River estuary in Dongying, surf in Qingdao, and fish in Yantai and Weihai. You can feel the ordinary life around the streets. You can appreciate the folk life and ancient culture in Taierzhuang Ancient Town, Qingzhou Ancient Town, Dongchang Ancient Town, and Weishi Manor. You can pay a visit to the old commercial port of Jinan, Guangxingli of Qingdao, and Chaoyang Street in Yantai. You can witness the great moment of lighting lanterns in Jinan Chaoran Pavilion and enjoy the fireworks of the Grand Song Dynasty Ever-bright City in Taian. You can enjoy exquisite delicacies such as Confucius family cuisine, Jinan cuisine, and Jiaodong cuisine. In Shandong, local specialties such as Rizhao Green Tea, Jiaodong Sea Cucumber, Heze Brocade and Dezhou Grilled Chicken are available to buy. You can always experience hospitality at its finest in Shangdong where remarkable products are made from the heart. Friendly Shandong welcomes you!


        In this great land of Shandong, one can have a fine view of the unending green. Zibo welcomes all distinguished guests coming from afar. When traveling in Zibo, if you have any difficulties and inconveniences, or any comments and suggestions, you can always reach us through multiple channels such as dialing the convenience hotline 12345, leaving messages online, or calling the tourist hotline 0533-2176099.


       As time goes by, a better future lies ahead; we’ve made promises, you and I. Zibo has been here all the time and continues to try its best to be better.

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