
发布日期:2022-01-21 10:38:06 浏览次数: 字体:[ ]


 An Introduction toShandong University of Technology (SDUT)


Founded in 1956 and located in the cradle of ancient Qi Culture -- Zibo City, Shandong Province, Shandong University of Technology (SDUT) is a provincial key multidisciplinary university emphasizing science and engineering. Being the National Experimental Zone for Talent Cultivation Mode Innovation, SDUT is also one of the first pilot universities for the national “Plan for Educating and Training Outstanding Engineers” (PETOE).


Programs & Current Enrollment


SDUT boasts a complete talent cultivation system with 3 postdoctoral research stations (in the disciplines of Agricultural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering), 4 first-level PhD programs ( in Agricultural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering & Technology and Electrical Engineering), 23 first-level master degree programs, 14 professional master degree categories, and 70 undergraduate programs, among which are 3 provincial first-class disciplines and 19 national or provincial first-class specialties. With a total enrollment of 37,593 full-time undergraduate and graduate students, the academic programs cover 9 fields of learning, for example engineering, science, economics, management, etc., forming a concentrated layout ensuring coordinated development of all specialties. 




The university vigorously implements a human resources strategy prioritizing talents development and takes the building of a strong academic team as the primary objective. There are 2,151 faculty members at SDUT, among which 274 are professors, 691 are associate professors, and 1,059 have doctoral degrees. Besides, there are two Foreign Academicians of the Russian Academy of National Sciences joining us together with 84 talents at national, provincial, and ministerial level, with the titles of National Key Talent Project Expert or Taishan Scholars, etc.


Teaching and Research Platforms


SDUT covers an area of 240 hectares with a floor space of 1.07 million square meters. The combined value of the teaching and research instruments reaches 589 million yuan. SDUT hosts 2 national (virtual reality) experimental teaching demonstration centers and 21 laboratories jointly built by the central and local governments. There are 3 national research centers (sub-centers) of engineering and technology, 2 national and local joint engineering research centers and 1 engineering research center of the Ministry of Education. Additionally, SDUT has 48 teaching and research platforms at provincial level, which include Engineering Research Center, Public Service Base of Testing and R&D, and Collaborative Innovation Center. Shandong Research Institute of Engineering and Technology has also been set up on campus.


International Collaboration


SDUT attaches great importance to international exchange and cooperation, and has established partnership with 106 universities and research institutes in 29 countries, including the U.S., the UK and Russia. 12 joint international laboratories and research centers have been established on campus and 4 joint educational programs are in place. SDUT is also one of the universities with the qualification to recruit international students under Chinese Government Scholarships.




SDUT has made outstanding achievements in recent years. Since the Eleventh Five-Year Plan issued from 2006, SDUT has won 9 National Science and Technology Awards, 4 National Teaching Achievement Awards, and was twice awarded Higher Education Institution with Outstanding Contribution to the Cooperation Innovation of Industry-University-Research in Shandong Province. In 2018, SDUT received 9 Science and Technology Awards of Shandong Province, with the number of first prizes ranking top among provincial universities that year.

SDUT has cultivated a number of excellent graduates: Feng Siguang and Song Yanqiao, National Justice-upholding Role Models; Guo Yuebin, Distinguished Young Scholar supported by the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars; Dong Dayong, chief designer of the cockpit of China's C919 passenger jet; Fu Jian, General Manager of Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Co., Ltd.; Du Li, Olympic Champion of Women's 10 Metre Air Rifle. Over 300 thousand graduates have been playing important roles in different fields and have made contributions to both the major project of replacing old growth drivers with new ones in Shandong Province and China’s economic and social development.          


Academic Schools

School of Mechanical Engineering

School of Transportation & Vehicle Engineering

School of Agricultural Engineering & Food Science

School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

School of Computer Science & Technology

School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

School of Architectural Engineering

School of Resources & Environment Engineering

School of Materials Science & Engineering

School of Life Science

School of Mathematics and Statistics

School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering

School of Economics

School of Management

MBA Education Centre

School of Literature & Media Dissemination

School of Foreign Languages

School of Laws

School of Marxism

School of Fine Arts

School of Music

School of Physical Education

Lutai School of Textile and Apparel

School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

School of International Education 


Collaboration Proposals

1. MoU between universities or organazations

2. Exchange visit of senior administration

3. Short-term summer camp (two-way)

4. Erasmus Mundus + mobility program

5. 3+1, 2+2, 3+1+1 study-abroad program for SDUT Bachelor students

6. 1+1 study/research program for SDUT Master’s or PhD. Students

7. Visiting scholar program

8. Research collaboration and sponsorship

9. Encourage students to participate in international competitions, international academic conferences, and internships in international organizations.

10. Programs offer to International Students:

l English taught degree programmes

Ø Ph.D. Agricultural Engineering

Ø B.S. International Economy and Trade

Ø B.S. Mechanical Manufacture and Automation

Ø B. S. Computer Science and Technology

Ø B. S. Civil Engineering

l Chinese taught degree programmes in B.A. Chinese language and literature (Business Chinese) and other specialized academic schools from Ph.D. to B.S./B.A.

l Long-term Chinese language programmes

l Summer and Winter short-term Chinese Culture and Language programmes

l Offers Chinese government and provincial government sponsored scholarships


Website of SDUT









1956년에 설립된 산둥이공대교는 산둥성에 있는 일류 대학이다. 이 대학은 기계, 농업 및 전기공학 등 세 곳의 박사과정 이후의 연구소가 있다. 그리고 농업, 기계, 화학과 기술 및 전기공학 분야의 박사 학위를 취득할 수 있는 4개의 학과와 석사학위를 취득할 수 있는  23개의 학과를 두고 있으며 또한 석사학위에 준하는 학위를 가질 수 있는 14개의 학과와 70개의 전문학과를 두고 있다.  농업, 화학 그리고 기술과 기계공학은 3개 省의 일류 학과이다.  농업, 기계, 전기 공학(양성) 등은 그 수준이 높으며 화학 및 공학학 등의 학과는 이미 글로벌 ESI의 상위 1%에 진입했다. 

최근 몇 년간 이 대학은 대외 교류와 협력에서 성과를 거두고 있다.  제13차 5개년 계획 기간 동안 캘리포니아 데이비스대, 앨버타대, 한국 성균관대와 한양대 등 세계 200대 대학 등을 포함하여 32개국에 자매결연을 맺은 대학 및 연구기관의 수는 111개에 달한다.  또한 '첨단 친환경 스마트제조 국제세미나', '환태평양 법률교육 국제세미나' 등 6개의 국제학술회의를 개최하였고, 영국의 하퍼 아담스 대학과 프랑스의 유럽과학 아카데미 등 해외 우수 대학교 및 과학연구 기관들과 함께 13개의 학교급 협력연구플랫폼을 구축하였다. 중외  협력 교육 사업의 플랫폼 효과가 점차 나타나고 있다. 중국 대외협력교육 학부 사업은 아일랜드MoRuiKe 대학교의 기계설계 및 자동화 학과와 전자계산학과 그리고 한국 건국대학교의 환경디자인학과 등  4개의 중외협력 교육사업이 한꺼번에 교육부의 평가를 통과했다.  제13차 5개년 계획 기간 동안 총 1253명의 교육생이 교육을 수료를 하였으며, 이 중 400여명이 해외교류사업에 참여해 국제협력플랫폼의 역할을 더 잘 수행하고 있다.  제14차 5개년 계획 기간에는 대학의 우수한 분야에 대한 전략강화에 주력하고, 영국과 아일랜드의 유명 대학과 협력하여 새로운 협력학교 운영 사업이나 기관을 유치할 계획이다. 

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