标题: (中英文)淄博市沂源二中与韩国京畿道广南中学线上缔结友好学校
索引号: 11370300004224263H/2021-5217787 文号:
发文日期: 2021-12-31 发布机构: 淄博市人民政府外事办公室


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High Schools in Zibo and South Korea Established

Friendly School Relationship Online


On Dec. 3rd, Zibo Yiyuan No.2 High School and South Korea’s Jingjidao Guangnan High School held Online Meeting and Signing Ceremony. Officials from the two schools as well as person in charge of the two cities joined the meeting.

At the meeting, after playing promotion video, the headmasters from the two schools made speeches respectively, and the two sides agreed to have further interaction online and offline between the students and teachers. In the future, they will strengthen friendly exchange and cooperation in curriculum designing, education planning, and implementing education projects to better promote diversified, characterized, and international development of the schools, and promote all-round development of students.